"Things are only impossible until they're not." ~Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation

Archive for April, 2011

Day #2

My second drawing for the challenge. Who doesn’t like Puffins??

I haven’t drawn animals since I was a little kid so I decided that while I am doing this challenge, I will try to draw things I don’t usually do in mediums that I don’t usually use. Marker and color pencil here.


365 create a day


Since this my first real blog (Livejournal aside), please bare with me as I learn how to customize and tweek my new home. Also, I would like to discuss my reasons for its creation. First, I have been contemplating creating a place to show my artwork and random projects for quite some time. I am usually a bit shy about sharing pieces of myself to strangers, but I feel it might be good and inspirational to have some exposure and feedback. Second, my best friend Kara came to me and mentioned that she was starting a blog for a sketch-a-day challenge. After reading that article she sent along with this one I decided that this was a great idea! Plus, since we are doing this together it will be easier for us to keep at it.
So with that, I would like to show my first drawing for the challenge.


A fish tank has many different colors and textures to spike an artistic interest. That is why I turned to it as my first sketch. This is Hydra, my boyfriend’s African Butterfly.